ScoutBook – Data in the cloud

Mrs. Trembley has started adding our troop data to ScoutBook. It is a browser based system that keeps all our data in the cloud. You can access it from a PC/MAC or any hand-held device that can browse the internet.

BSA has recently purchased it so we know that it is council approved.

Data entry is very time consuming, so it will take several weeks to add everything in – as I have time. As I add a scout’s details, I will add the parent. Then the parent will receive an email with login instructions. I started adding troop data for camping, hiking, and service hours with the entry of our oldest current scouts – so May 2011. I am 1/2 way through 2013.

I am only adding advancement & merit badge completion dates for completed ones. I will add details to the future ones. You are welcome to add dates for the individual requirements.

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